Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter Three--In which I tallk about TED

In response to:

Not just Facebook and Twitter can make history, but it can also create publicity for companies both good and bad. I am often reminded of the fact that bank companies removed an overdraft of a person thanks to a blog post. The only downside of this "history-making" medium is that once a post has been made there is no telling how far it will go or how long it will last.

Technology will always surpass everything in speed and in service. When one reads a newspaper, one will have to usually wait until the next edition (Usually, the day after) for an update. With the advent of the internet and social sites like Facebook and Twitter, one can get updates as long as they would like. Is it a better idea? Probably, but it is also not without faults. Especially with the fact that "The Great Firewall of China." It can also create problems with people who have freedom of the press access information that China doesn't want people to see.